Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 7-9 Perfect Weather Charleston

Had a couple perfect weather days in Charleston where it usually blows every trip down especially come tournament time. This trip was different and the fishing was awesome. The reds were in schooled up by the hundreds on the mudflats. It was all sight fishing. Poling and being stealthy was necessary but most of the fish ate. The 70 degree days got one group of fish so excited they were hitting topwaters in 55 degree water! Caught a lot of 21-23 inch fish which is what we are after next week in the IFA Redfish Tour event out of Charleston. Also, just for fun caught a bunch of 30-35 inch fish that weighed 10-15 lbs! Praying for this type weather March 20th but reality is it will probably be 50 degrees, cloudy, and the wind blowing 20-25 making the fishing difficult at best.

Yes, thats a topwater plug hanging out of his mouth!

Easy target

A small school sitting near the grass

Feb 19 Redfishing

Headed down to Cape Romain area to do some scouting for the upcoming IFA tournament in Charleston. It was brutally cold but manged to catch about a dozen reds later in the afternoon with most being in the SC slot of 23 inches.

Feb 12th Snow


Snow at the beach, February 12th! 5-6 inches around the house. Luckily it didn't stay long.